Drawing found in our support section of our website; simply search the part number PWC-23. Want to build a new hardware or cable accessory for the Dell Axim X50 / X50v / x51 / x51v handheld? What easier way to design it than with a pre-wired Axim connector cable from Gomadic. Equipped with a 36-pin Axim X50 / X50v / x51 / x51v series connector plug on one end; 10 feet of cable and 5 colored leads on the other; this pre-wired connector plug makes creating new accessories easy. The cable is pre-wired with all the critical serial communication leads including: Tx; Rx; DTR; PWR and Ground. This unique cable accessory is designed to work with the Dell Axim X50 / X50v / x51 / x51v (36-Pin) Series handheld platform and is not available in any stores. So go ahead and build on the great innovation of the Axim and design your own custom accessory today! This cable works on all Dell Axim X50 / X50v / x51 / x51v models.